17th Day Omer - 8:00am Postponed: Partnering for Pints Blood Drive
- 1:00pm Zoom - My IDF Service with Netta Asner
- 8:00pm Zoom: Evening Minyan
| 18th Day Omer - 10:00am Zoom: Havdalah with Rabbi Berkowitz
- 1:00pm JTS Online Series - Beyond The Flag: The Religious Dimension of Yom Ha'Atzmaut
- 8:00pm Zoom: Evening Minyan
- 8:00pm Third Grade Parent Program: Siddur Secrets with Rabbi Safra
| Yom Hazikaron 19th Day Omer - 2:00pm House Scavenger Hunt (Grades 3-5)
- 3:00pm Fun Kahoot (Grades K-2)
- 6:30pm Tekes Ma’avar at Noar B'Yachad
- 8:00pm Zoom: Evening Minyan
| Yom Ha'Atzmaut 20th Day Omer - 9:30am Zoom - Elijah: The Man, The Myth, The Legend with Steve Kerbel
- 1:30pm Zoom: Shira B'tzibur (Israeli Singing)
- 7:30pm Zoom: “A Bridge Between the U.S.-Israel: The LGBTQ Community”
- 8:00pm Zoom: Evening Minyan
| 21st Day Omer - 5:00pm Kahoot: Food and Snacks (Grades 6-8)
- 8:00pm Zoom: Evening Minyan
| 22nd Day Omer - 11:00am Shabbat Sing-a-long with Cantor Josh on Facebook
- 7:44pm Candle Lighting
| 23rd Day Omer Achrei Mot-Kedoshim - 8:28pm Havdalah
- 8:45pm Teen Havdalah (Grades 9-12)
24th Day Omer - 10:00am JCADA 2020 Virtual 5K & Wellness Day
| 25th Day Omer - 10:00am Zoom: Havdalah with Rabbi Berkowitz
- 1:00pm JTS Online Series - Life Under Siege: The Talmud's Take on Trying Times
| 26th Day Omer - 2:00pm Fun Food and Science Kahoot! (Grades 3-5)
- 3:30pm House Scavenger Hunt (Grades K-2)
- 7:30pm The Religious Practices Behind 'Unorthodox'-For Women Only
| 27th Day Omer - 9:30am Zoom - Elijah: The Man, The Myth, The Legend with Steve Kerbel
- 5:30pm DC Shlichim Cookbook & Community Cook-off
| 28th Day Omer - 5:45pm Game Night (Grades 6-8)
- 7:15pm Zoom: Singing Circle with Cantor Bolts
- 7:30pm Zoom Talmud Torah Parent Support Group Get Together
- 8:00pm Anti-Semitism: An Historical and Theological Perspective with Rabbi Schnitzer
| Pesach Sheni 29th Day Omer - 11:00am Shabbat Sing-a-long with Cantor Josh on Facebook
- 7:51pm Candle Lighting
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| 32nd Day Omer - 10:00am Zoom: Havdalah with Rabbi Berkowitz
- 1:00pm JTS Online Series - What Should an Educated Jew Know?
| Lag B'Omer 33rd Day Omer - 2:00pm House Hunt (Grades 6-8)
- 7:30pm The Religious Practices Behind 'Unorthodox'-For Women Only
| 34th Day Omer - 9:30am Zoom - Elijah: The Man, The Myth, The Legend with Steve Kerbel
| 35th Day Omer - 9:00am COVID-19 Relief Donation Drive
- 1:00pm Special Office Hour with Rabbi Safra and Gil Preuss, CEO, Jewish Federation of Greater Washington
| 36th Day Omer - 11:00am Shabbat Sing-a-long with Cantor Josh on Facebook
- 7:57pm Candle Lighting
| 37th Day Omer Behar-Bechukotai |
38th Day Omer - 5:00pm BISNS Family Fun Night with My Gym
| 39th Day Omer - 10:00am Zoom: Havdalah with Rabbi Berkowitz
- 1:00pm JTS Online Series - Fake News and the Resurgence of Antisemitism
- 2:15pm This Week in the Torah with Rabbi Mitchell Berkowitz
| 40th Day Omer - 2:00pm Kahoot Fun (Grades 3-5)
- 7:30pm The Religious Practices Behind 'Unorthodox'-For Women Only
| 41st Day Omer - 9:30am Zoom - Elijah: The Man, The Myth, The Legend with Steve Kerbel
| 42nd Day Omer - 1:00pm Rabbi Safra’s Office Hour, with special guest Dr. Stephen Hoffman "The Race to a Vaccine: When Will Our World Feel Safe Again?"
- 2:00pm Arts and Crafts (Grades K-2)
- 5:45pm Kahoot Scavenger Hunt (Grades 6-8)
- 6:15pm Zoom: Singing Circle with Cantor Bolts
- 7:30pm Yom Yerushalayim Special Lecture with Omer Bab "From Temple to Capital: Spiritual and Geographical Milestones in Jerusalem's Story"
| Yom Yerushalayim 43rd Day Omer - 11:00am Shabbat Sing-a-long with Cantor Josh on Facebook
- 8:03pm Candle Lighting
| Shabbat Mevarchim 44th Day Omer Bamidbar |
Rosh Chodesh Sivan 45th Day Omer - 5:00pm A Food Truck is Coming to B'nai Israel Memorial Day Sunday
| | 47th Day Omer - 2:00pm Sports Kahoot (Grades 3-5)
- 7:30pm The Religious Practices Behind 'Unorthodox'-For Women Only
| 48th Day Omer - 9:30am Zoom - Elijah: The Man, The Myth, The Legend with Steve Kerbel
- 5:45pm Shavuot Kahoot (Grades 6-8)
- 7:30pm (Postponed) Celebration to Honor Karen Gerton
| Erev Shavuot 49th Day Omer - 2:00pm Shavuot Fun (Grades K-2)
- 7:00pm Tikkun Leyl Shavuot: Signing Up for Torah
- 8:00pm Festival Ma'ariv
- 8:08pm Candle Lighting
- 9:00pm Torah from Coast to Coast: A Tikkun Leil Shavuot from the Rabbinical Assembly
| Shavuot - 1st Day - 12:00am Torah from Coast to Coast: A Tikkun Leil Shavuot from the Rabbinical Assembly
- 9:00am Shavuot Festival Shaharit
- 8:09pm Candle Lighting
| Shavuot Yizkor - 9:00am Shabbat and Shavuot Festival Morning Services with Yizkor
- 8:53pm Havdalah
| - 10:00am Zoom: Havdalah with Rabbi Berkowitz
- 1:00pm JTS Online Series - The Immigration Crises Then and Now: What are the 21st Century Possibilities?
- 2:15pm This Week in the Torah with Rabbi Mitchell Berkowitz
| - 1:00pm This Week in Jewish History
- 5:00pm Kahoot! (Grades 3-5)
| - 9:30am Zoom - Elijah: The Man, The Myth, The Legend with Steve Kerbel
- 5:45pm Sports Kahoot! (Grades 6-8)
| - 4:00pm The People of the Book-Celebrating Israel's Book Month
- 4:30pm Science Fun: Make Your Own Lava Lamp (Grades K-2)
- 8:30pm Exploring the Natural Beauty of Antarctica with Chet Stein
| - 11:00am Shabbat Sing-a-long with Cantor Josh on Facebook
- 6:15pm Pride Shabbat with Joy Ladin "The Soul of the Stranger"
- 8:14pm Candle Lighting
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