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Calendar of Events
B'nai Israel Congregation
Previous Month | July 2020 • Tammuz/Av 5780 | Next Month |
Sun | Mon | Tues | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
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| Fast of Tammuz
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| Tisha B'Av
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Sunday, July 5, 2020 • 13 Tammuz 5780
Monday, July 6, 2020 • 14 Tammuz 5780
2:15pm | 3:15pm |
Somehow the Torah always manages to speak to us in the present. Its lessons are timeless, and that is what makes it a sacred, living text. Explore the weekly Torah portion through the lens of Rashi, the essential biblical commentary. No prior experience required. All texts will be provided in both English and Hebrew.
Tuesday, July 7, 2020 • 15 Tammuz 5780
4:00pm | 4:45pm |
Explore the galaxy and learn how to turn a sweet treat into the moon!
Supplies needed: 6 Oreo's, a plate, a fork, knife, spoon, or toothpick.
5:00pm | 5:45pm |
Show off your moves and get on your feet for this fun program.
7:30pm | 8:30pm |
The annual Summer Beit Midrash returns to B’nai Israel this summer in a virtual and revised format. Texts are shared with participants ahead of time (in both English and Hebrew) so that you can study them before each class. Feel free to learn with a family member, friend, or study partner. Take note of your observations and questions and bring them to our class, led each week by one of the clergy.
July 7
The Limits of Checks and Balances: A Talmudic Perspective
with Rabbi Mitchell Berkowitz
July 14
Privacy, Disclosure, & the Presumption of Guilt: Stories from the Talmud
with Rabbi Michael Safra
July 21
The Return from Captivity: The Biblical Books of Ezra and Nechemiah
with Rabbi Mitchell Berkowitz
July 28
Who Wrote the Bible: Questions of Biblical Authorship
with Rabbi Michael Safra
Wednesday, July 8, 2020 • 16 Tammuz 5780
5:00pm | 5:45pm |
Look at the galaxy and enjoy sharing a virtual sweet treat with all your friends.
Supplies needed: Anything to make the most creative s'more!
8:00pm | 9:00pm |
With Peter Krentz, Professor of Classics and History | Chair of Classics at Davidson College
A century and a half after they repelled the forces of the vast Persian Empire, the southern Greeks lost to Philip II’s Macedonians at Chaironeia in 338 BCE. Philip’s victory was recognized at the time as the end of Greek freedom.
Philip organized the Greeks into an alliance, had himself named its leader, declared war against the Persians, and sent an advance force into Asia. After his assassination, his son Alexander carried out the conquest of the Persians that Philip had planned.
Incorporating archaeological discoveries, this lecture will explore how Philip succeeded where the Great Persian Kings Darius and Xerxes had failed. The battle shares a particular puzzle with the Persian War battle of Marathon in 490: In both cases, the invaders had cavalry, but no cavalry are mentioned in descriptions of the fighting. Did Philip owe his victory to a dramatic cavalry charge led by his son Alexander?
To Access the Twice Monthly Zoom Lecture Series
If you wish to subscribe to the lecture series, please access the BASONOVA PayPal portal and use a credit card for a one-year subscription ($35 per family). Go to: http://www.basonova.org/ membership-form.html
It is also possible to access the series one lecture at a time, for $6 per lecture. To receive your single-lecture Zoom invitation, go to: http://www.basonova.org/ next-lecture-reservation.html
Zoom links will be sent a day or two before the lecture date
Questions: info@basonova.org
To see the descriptions of upcoming lectures, go to: http://www.basonova.org/upcoming-lectures.html
Thursday, July 9, 2020 • 17 Tammuz 5780
Fast of Tammuz
3:00pm | 3:45pm |
Show off your talents or get a random one to perform for all your friends.
8:00pm | 8:30pm |
Thursdays, June 25-July 30, 8:00 PM
This unique case of curated Israeli wines has been assembled by wine educator Steve Kerbel. Each week Steve will hold a 30 minute Zoom wine tasting, when we will choose a white wine and a red wine to enjoy together and taste. We will learn about the wines, winemakers and wineries, about the wine growing regions of Israel and about the growing wine culture of Israel, built on ancient practices of winemaking in the Land of Israel.
Once the case from Kosherwine.com has been purchased, you will receive the Zoom invitation and tasting and food pairing notes. Click here to purchase.
Friday, July 10, 2020 • 18 Tammuz 5780
11:00am | 12:00pm |
This program is especially great for families with pre-school-aged children, whether or not they are enrolled in Schilit Nursery School. This program will continue every week for as long as our building is closed.
8:18pm |
Candle Lighting
Shabbat, July 11, 2020 • 19 Tammuz 5780
Parshat Pinchas
9:00pm |