| - 10:00am Tefillin Workshops for Rising 7th Graders
- 2:15pm This Week in the Torah with Rabbi Mitchell Berkowitz
- 7:00pm Book Launch - Radiance: Creative Mitzvah Living by Danny Siegel
| - 2:00pm Magic with Rabbi Berkowitz (Grades K-5)
- 7:30pm Summer Beit Midrash
| | Tisha B'Av - 6:00pm Movie Trivia (Grades 6-8)
- 9:00pm Online Israeli Wine Tasting with Steve Kerbel
| - 11:00am Shabbat Sing-a-long with Cantor Josh on Facebook
- 7:00pm Outdoor Friday Evening Service
- 8:02pm Candle Lighting
| Shabbat Nachamu Vaetchanan |
| - 10:00am Tefillin Workshops for Rising 7th Graders
- 2:15pm This Week in the Torah with Rabbi Mitchell Berkowitz
| - 3:00pm Charades (Grades 3-5)
| Tu B'Av - 5:00pm Israeli Chocolate Balls (Grades 6-8)
| - 4:00pm Bee Keeping Secrets with Dan Fisher (Grades K-2)
- 5:30pm Teen Hangout: Cooking with Sarah (Grades 9-12)
- 7:30pm Klezmer: American Music with Seth Kibel
| - 11:00am Shabbat Sing-a-long with Cantor Josh on Facebook
- 7:55pm Candle Lighting
| |
| - 10:00am Tefillin Workshops for Rising 7th Graders
- 7:00pm Taking White Supremacy to Court: The Charlottesville Case
| - 3:30pm General Knowledge Kahoot (Grades 3-5)
| - 5:00pm Cooking with Sarah: Israeli Salad (Grades 6-8)
| - 4:00pm Charades/Act it Out (Grades K-2)
- 5:30pm Cooking with Sarah: Rugelach (Grades 9-12)
- 7:30pm Women in the Bible
| - 11:00am Shabbat Sing-a-long with Cantor Josh on Facebook
- 7:00pm Outdoor Friday Evening Service
- 7:46pm Candle Lighting
| |
| - 10:00am Tefillin Workshops for Rising 7th Graders
- 2:15pm This Week in the Torah with Rabbi Mitchell Berkowitz
| - 4:00pm T-Shirt Crafts (Grades 3-5)
- 8:00pm Israel Bonds: Global Blessings for the New Year
| - 4:30pm Rugelach (Grades 6-8)
| Rosh Chodesh Elul - 9:00am B’nai Israel COVID-19 Relief Drive
- 4:00pm Make Your Own Slime (Grades K-2)
- 5:00pm Cooking with Sarah (Grades 9-12)
| Rosh Chodesh Elul - 11:00am Shabbat Sing-a-long with Cantor Josh on Facebook
- 7:36pm Candle Lighting
| |
- 7:30pm Shofar Blowing Workshop with Cantor Josh Perlman
| - 2:15pm This Week in the Torah with Rabbi Mitchell Berkowitz
| - 4:00pm Make Your Own Slime (Grades 3-5)
- 7:00pm Author Presentation with David Spiegel “The Promise”
| - 12:00pm Lunchtime Office Hour with Rabbi Safra: Thinking about the Upcoming Holidays
- 4:30pm Cooking with Sarah: Shakshuka (Grades 6-12)
| - 4:00pm Crazy Animal Trivia (Grades K-2)
| - 11:00am Shabbat Sing-a-long with Cantor Josh on Facebook
- 7:26pm Candle Lighting
| |
- 7:30pm Shofar Blowing Workshop with Cantor Josh Perlman
| - 2:15pm This Week in the Torah with Rabbi Mitchell Berkowitz
| - 7:30pm High Holiday Workshop with Netta Asner - Preparing for the Days of Awe: Israeli-Style
| - 12:00pm Shofar Blowing Workshop with Cantor Josh Perlman
| | - 7:00pm Outdoor Friday Evening Service
- 7:15pm Candle Lighting
| |