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Calendar of Events
Previous Month | October 2020 • Tishrei/Cheshvan 5781 | Next Month |
Sun | Mon | Tues | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
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Chol Hamoed Sukkot
| Chol Hamoed Sukkot
| Hoshana Rabah
| Shmini Atzeret Yizkor
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Simchat Torah
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Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan
| Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan
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Previous Month | Next Month |
Last Week | Next Week |
Sunday, October 25, 2020 • 7 Cheshvan 5781
9:00am | 10:00am |
Learn and share together as we explore the importance and beauty of Jewish Symbols. Our program will include fun activities, music, and art projects, as well as a chance to connect and build community learning.
10:30am | 11:30am |
This hour-long interactive Zoom experience for the entire B'nai family will feature three of B'nai Israel’s finest physicians who will share their key advice and then take questions from participants. The Men’s Club is offering this in lieu of our annual Family Health and Fitness Expo. We look forward to your participation.
Our Doctor panel includes:
• Dr. Matthew Mintz: MD, Internal Medicine and Primary Care Physician
Clinical Associate Professor at the George Washington University School of Medicine.
• Dr: Peter Scherer: MD, FACP Clinical Associate Professor, George Washington, Past President, Montgomery County Medical Society, Former Chairman Department of Medicine, Holy Cross Hospital; hematology-oncology
• Dr; Bryan Steinberg: MD, FACS, FCCP, CCVTSA, Medical Director Thoracic Surgery Holy Cross Health
Zoom Information
Meeting ID: 301 926 8665
Passcode: 0125
11:30am | 12:15pm |
Sunday, October 18 (and
continuing for 7 more sessions)
11:30 AM–12:15 PM
Learn to lead weekday services
and/or to chant Torah. These practical skills-focused classes are set up as units; participants may sign up for one unit or for both.
Unit 1: Intro to Chanting Torah with Cantor Bolts October 18, 25, and November 8, 15
Unit 2: Intro to Leading Weekday Services with Cantor Josh November 22, and December 6, 13, 20
12:30pm | 1:30pm |
Show off your cooking skills in this Iron Chef style competition.
1:45pm | 2:45pm |
Search, run, and find in this crazy competition.
7:30pm | 9:00pm |
King Herod designed and built the Jerusalem Temple in the late first century BCE. Herod wanted a grander complex than the one hastily constructed after the return from the Babylonian exile. His Temple lasted less than a century, as it was destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE. In its time, it was, and continues to be, a powerful symbol of sacred space. It has been emulated, co-opted, exploited, and reinterpreted by religious traditions, from early churches and synagogues to Orlando’s evangelical theme park. This illustrated talk will serve as a guide through the Jerusalem Temple by following in the footsteps of the High Priest and worshippers (including Jesus) and navigating the barriers of sanctity and systems of blood, purity, sacrifice, and gender. Cosponsored by the Biblical Archeology Forum and Biblical Archeology Society of Northern Virginia.
Monday, October 26, 2020 • 8 Cheshvan 5781
7:30pm | 8:45pm |
Monday, October 19
(continuing for 5 more sessions)
7:30–8:45 PM
“Portnoy” is the Russian word for “tailor,” but
the late writer Philip Roth changed its meaning forever when he published the best-selling book Portnoy’s Complaint in 1969. This 6-week class will focus on the life and works of Roth. Our study will highlight the different stages of his life and writings beginning with Goodbye Columbus (1959) and continuing until Nemesis (2010). Themes will include: Jews in America, families, mortality, sex and love, and politics, as well as his views of women, his love of baseball, and his attachment to Newark. We will also discuss some of the reactions to his award-winning work, especially in the Jewish community. The reading of Goodbye Columbus or Portnoy’s Complaint before the first session is recommended but not required.
Tuesday, October 27, 2020 • 9 Cheshvan 5781
Wednesday, October 28, 2020 • 10 Cheshvan 5781
9:30am | 11:00am |
Wednesday, October 7 (continuing six more Wednesday mornings, concluding November 18)
9:30–11:00 AM
$80 Friends of the Haberman Institute or B’nai Israel Members
$95 General Public
Travel back to the sources and study selections from the books of Maccabees I & II as we explore the story of the war against
the Assyrians and the formation of the last independent Jewish government for 2000 years. As obtaining these texts can be difficult, a reader will be provided for all students. Zoom information will be provided once registration is received. Presented by the Haberman Institute for Jewish Studies.
12:00pm | 1:00pm |
My Israel Story – A Special Program for Parshat Lech Lecha
with Kehillat Ya’ar Ramot, our sister congregation in Jerusalem
Join Rabbi Michael Safra and Rabbi Arnie Bender for a panel discussion with friends from our sister congregation in Jerusalem, Ya’ar Ramot. Community members from around the world, including England, France, the U.S., and even Bahrain, will share their stories of aliyah and living in Israel as members of a Masorti (Conservative) Jewish community. We will also be joined by our shlicha, Netta Asner-Minster, and her father, who will share their aliyah story too!
Click here to join us: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83946969359?pwd=UFR0ZWpXS1RHUU1OVGREMWxTVTdQZz09.
Meeting ID: 839 4696 9359
Passcode: 956332
Thursday, October 29, 2020 • 11 Cheshvan 5781
9:30am | 11:30am |
(Thursday, October 15 (continuing for 11 more sessions, skipping November 26, December 24 & 31, concluding on January 21) 9:30–11:00 AM
$75 for B’nai Israel members or
Friends of Haberman Institute
$90 for general public
History thinks of the prophets as
superheroes: people who can see
the future, speak with God, and
communicate inspiring messages.
But how is the prophetic message
received? Nobody wants to hear that
society is doomed unless people make changes
they are not prepared to make. With all their eccentricities, it is easy to dismiss the prophets.
This was as true in ancient times as it is today.
Through text study, our diverse group of rabbis explores the role of the prophet in ancient times to understand the implications of the prophetic message for today. Presented by the Haberman Institute for Jewish Studies.
7:30pm | 8:30pm |
Details to follow
This program is sponsored by Men's Club.
8:00pm | 8:45pm |
Thursdays, October 8-November 12
8:00 PM
This unique case of curated Israeli wines has been assembled by wine educator Steve Kerbel. Each week Steve will hold a 45 minute Zoom wine tasting, when we will choose a white wine and a red wine to enjoy together and taste. We will learn about the wines, winemakers and wineries, about the wine growing regions of Israel and about the growing wine culture of Israel, built on ancient practices of wine making in the Land of Israel.
Once the case from Kosherwine.com has been purchased, you will receive the Zoom invitation and tasting and food pairing notes. Click here to purchase.
Friday, October 30, 2020 • 12 Cheshvan 5781
5:51pm |
Candle Lighting
6:30pm | 7:30pm |
B'nai Israel Parking Lot
In accordance with Montgomery County Phase Two guidelines, we are excited to bring our community together for an outdoor Friday Evening service on July 31 at 7:00 PM in the B’nai Israel parking lot. We will be led by Rabbi Berkowitz and Cantor Josh and look forward to joining our voices for the melodies of Kabbalat Shabbat in a safe, socially distant environment. Please BYOC (Bring Your Own Chair) – this service is not drive-in style. There will not be assigned spots, but the parking lot will be clearly labeled with directions where to park and where to gather to safely social distance.
Paper copies of the service will be provided, but please feel free to bring your own siddur. If there is rain in the forecast, we will make a determination about whether to hold the service by 4:30 PM on that day.
(This service will not be available via Zoom. Our 6:15 PM service will be broadcast from Dweck Sanctuary via Zoom as on all other weeks.)
Shabbat, October 31, 2020 • 13 Cheshvan 5781
Parshat Lech Lecha
6:33pm |
Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785