- 12:30pm Family Tu Bishvat Celebration
- 7:30pm L.I.F.E. Lecture - Judaism & Islam: Bridging the Great Divide with Ambassador Akbar Ahmed
| - 7:30pm Men's Club's Political Year in Review
| - 7:30pm Israel’s Milestones and Their Meanings with Rabbi Michael Safra and Netta Asner-Minster
| - 9:30am The Book of Esther: Diaspora Novella, Political Zionist Tract or Theological Statement, with Steve Kerbel
| - 7:15pm Singing Circle with Cantor Bolts
- 7:30pm Evening Speaker Series
| - 10:00am Friday Morning Torah Study (formerly Shabbat Morning Torah Study)
- 5:16pm Candle Lighting
| Shabbat Mevarchim Yitro - 9:00am Jewish Disabilities Awareness & Inclusion Shabbat
- 10:30am Junior Congregation (Grades K-6)
- 6:00pm Havdalah
- 9:00am World Wide Wrap (In-Person & Virtual)
- 10:30am Being Heumann with Judy Heumann
- 11:30am Brunch for Interfaith Works Women’s Shelter
| | - 7:30pm Israel’s Milestones and Their Meanings with Rabbi Michael Safra and Netta Asner-Minster
- 7:30pm Sports Night with Johnny Holliday
| - 9:30am The Book of Esther: Diaspora Novella, Political Zionist Tract or Theological Statement, with Steve Kerbel
| - 3:00pm The Knesset: A Virtual Tour of Israel's Parliament
- 7:00pm HAZAK: The Hamantaschen vs. Latke Debate
| | Rosh Chodesh Adar Parshat Shekalim Mishpatim - 9:00am Men's Club Shabbat
- 9:30am Tot Shabbat
- 6:08pm Havdalah
- 1:00pm USY: Ultimate Game Time (Grades 9-12)
- 4:00pm Jews in Space: A Virtual Tour of the Jewish Museum of Maryland in Baltimore
| | - 7:30pm Israel’s Milestones and Their Meanings with Rabbi Michael Safra and Netta Asner-Minster
| - 9:30am The Book of Esther: Diaspora Novella, Political Zionist Tract or Theological Statement, with Steve Kerbel
| - 7:30pm Moses’ Yahrzeit: Workshop on the Rituals of Burial & Mourning
| - 10:00am Friday Morning Torah Study (formerly Shabbat Morning Torah Study)
- 5:32pm Candle Lighting
| Parshat Zachor Terumah - 10:30am Junior Congregation (Grades K-6)
- 6:16pm Havdalah
- 9:30am 6th Grade D’var Torah Workshop
- 3:00pm Purim Spirit Week: Sunday Scare Out Haman
- 7:30pm L.I.F.E. Lecture - How Judaism Became an American Religion with Steven Weisman
- 7:30pm FJMC Blue Yarmulke Awards
| - 5:00pm Purim Spirit Week: Hamantaschen Making Monday
| - 7:30pm Israel’s Milestones and Their Meanings with Rabbi Michael Safra and Netta Asner-Minster
| - 9:30am The Book of Esther: Diaspora Novella, Political Zionist Tract or Theological Statement, with Steve Kerbel
- 7:30pm Jews and Brews with Rabbi Jonathan Schnitzer
| Taanit Esther Erev Purim - 10:00am Manna Food Drive—Purim Matanot L'evyonim
- 6:00pm Virtual Youth Megillah Reading & Virtual Purim Spiel "A Peter Pan Purim"
- 7:15pm Purim Ma'ariv & Traditional Megillah Reading (In-Person & Virtual)
| Purim - 7:15am Purim Shaharit & Traditional Megillah Reading (In-Person & Virtual)
- 5:40pm Candle Lighting
| Shushan Purim Tetzaveh - 9:30am Tot Shabbat
- 6:24pm Havdalah
- 7:30pm Gustav Schonfeld’s Life: Survival and Triumph with Josh Schonfeld
| | - 7:30pm Israel’s Milestones and Their Meanings with Rabbi Michael Safra and Netta Asner-Minster
| | - 4:00pm Deli Dinner & Program: Food Truck Event
- 7:30pm The History of Jewish Deli with Ted Merwin
| - 10:00am Friday Morning Torah Study (formerly Shabbat Morning Torah Study)
- 5:47pm Candle Lighting
| Parshat Parah Ki Tisa - 9:30am Tot Shabbat
- 10:30am 4th Grade Shabbat
- 10:30am Junior Congregation (Grades K-6)
- 6:31pm Havdalah
- 8:00pm Refugee Shabbat Havdalah