Pesach - 9:00am Passover Festival Service (In-Person & Virtual)
- 6:30pm The Perlman Family Second Night Seder
- 8:10pm Candle Lighting
| Pesach 1st Day Omer - 9:00am Passover Festival Service (In-Person & Virtual)
- 7:54pm Havdalah
| Chol Hamoed Pesach 2nd Day Omer | Chol Hamoed Pesach 3rd Day Omer - 4:30pm Top It How You Like It with Kara Rosenwald
| Chol Hamoed Pesach 4th Day Omer | Chol Hamoed Pesach 5th Day Omer | |
Pesach Yizkor 7th Day Omer - 9:00am Passover Festival Service (In-Person & Virtual)
- 8:00pm Havdalah
| | 9th Day Omer - 7:30pm Heretic or Hasid? The Story of Baruch Spinoza with Daniel Spiro
| 10th Day Omer - 9:30am Jonah, the Reluctant Prophet with Steve Kerbel
| Yom HaShoah 11th Day Omer - 7:30pm Zikaron BaSalon: Yom HaShoah Adult Program with Ruth Eisenberg
- 7:30pm Zikaron BaSalon: Yom HaShoah Teen Program with Esther Bergman
| 12th Day Omer - 10:00am Friday Morning Torah Study (formerly Shabbat Morning Torah Study)
- 7:22pm Candle Lighting
| Shabbat Mevarchim 13th Day Omer Shmini - 9:30am Talmud Torah K-2 Outdoors
- 9:30am Tot Shabbat
- 10:30am Junior Congregation (Grades K-6)
- 10:30am 2nd Grade Shabbat
- 8:06pm Havdalah
14th Day Omer - 11:00am Author Presentation with Manny Thorne
- 12:30pm Bonim: Ice Cream Party & Crafts (Grades K-2)
- 1:00pm Yom HaShoah Community-Wide Commemoration
- 1:45pm Machar: Painting Fun (Grades 3-5)
- 7:30pm The Art You Never Knew Was There with Randy Sager
| Rosh Chodesh Iyyar 15th Day Omer - 9:00am Sara & Samuel J. Lessans Good Deeds Week
| Rosh Chodesh Iyyar 16th Day Omer - 9:00am Sara & Samuel J. Lessans Good Deeds Week
- 1:00pm Masa International Yom HaZikaron Event from Israel Live on Facebook
- 7:30pm Heretic or Hasid? The Story of Baruch Spinoza with Daniel Spiro
| Yom Hazikaron 17th Day Omer - 9:00am Sara & Samuel J. Lessans Good Deeds Week
- 9:30am Jonah, the Reluctant Prophet with Steve Kerbel
- 7:15pm Tekes Ma'avar
| Yom Ha'Atzmaut 18th Day Omer - 9:00am Sara & Samuel J. Lessans Good Deeds Week
- 5:00pm Israel in a Box (for Families with Children & Adults)
- 7:00pm Yom HaAtzmaut L'Chaim for Israel (Adults)
- 7:30pm Defending Israel (for Adults)
| 19th Day Omer - 9:00am Sara & Samuel J. Lessans Good Deeds Week
- 7:29pm Candle Lighting
| 20th Day Omer Tazria-Metzora - 9:00am Masorti Shabbat
- 10:15am Outdoor Family Minyan* (All families with school-aged children)
- 8:13pm Havdalah
21st Day Omer - 9:30am Yom HaAtzmaut Program (Grades K–6)
- 12:30pm Sara & Samuel J. Lessans Good Deeds Week
- 1:00pm Day School Parent Outdoor Social
- 8:00pm Sammy Spider & the Magic of Children’s Book Illustration with Katherine Kahn
| | 23rd Day Omer - 6:30pm Noar B'Yachad: Yom HaZikaron & Yom HaAtzmaut Program (Grades 7-12)
- 7:30pm Heretic or Hasid? The Story of Baruch Spinoza with Daniel Spiro
| 24th Day Omer - 9:30am Jonah, the Reluctant Prophet with Steve Kerbel
| 25th Day Omer - 7:00pm Yom Ha’Atzmaut Musical Masterclass
- 7:00pm HAZAK: How Will an Interracial and Intermarried White House Impact Current Dynamic Intersections of African American and Jewish Cultures? with Carolivia Herron
| 26th Day Omer - 10:00am Friday Morning Torah Study (formerly Shabbat Morning Torah Study)
- 7:35pm Candle Lighting
| 27th Day Omer Achrei Mot-Kedoshim - 9:30am Tot Shabbat
- 10:30am Junior Congregation (Grades K-6)
- 10:45am 6th Grade Learners’ Shabbat Service
- 8:19pm Havdalah
28th Day Omer - 9:00am Limmud B’Yachad: Learning Together (2nd Grade Family Program)
- 9:30am Rising Third Grade Orientation and Family Program for Second Grade
- 10:30am The Galilee Culinary Institute with Nathan Hoffman
- 1:00pm USY: Cooking Competition (Grades 9–12)
- 4:00pm Mindfulness Walk with Rabbi Mitchell Berkowitz
- 6:00pm Meal for Interfaith Works Women’s Shelter
| Pesach Sheni 29th Day Omer - 7:30pm Hearing Men’s Voices
| 30th Day Omer - 7:00pm L.I.F.E. LECTURE - The Jews, and the Secrets, Behind Superman and Batman with Marc Nobleman
| 31st Day Omer - 9:30am Jonah, the Reluctant Prophet with Steve Kerbel
| | Lag B'Omer 33rd Day Omer - 5:00pm Talmud Torah K-2 Shabbat Program
- 7:00pm Outdoor Friday Evening Service
- 7:42pm Candle Lighting
| 34th Day Omer Emor - 9:00am In-Person/Virtual Shabbat Morning Service
- 10:30am Junior Congregation (Grades K-6)
- 10:30am 5th Grade Shabbat
- 8:26pm Havdalah