- 9:00am Talmud Torah K-6
- 10:00am There Ain’t No Back to a Merry-Go Round with Ilana Trachtman
- 10:45am Men's Club Breakfast Speaker Event: The 2022 Political Landscape with David Becker & Jonathan Salant
- 7:00pm Singing Circle with Cantor Bolts
- 8:00pm AIM Listening Campaign Session
| - 6:15pm AIM Listening Campaign Session
- 7:00pm Monday Night at the Movies: In Search of Israeli Cuisine
| - 4:30pm Talmud Torah 3-6
- 6:30pm Noar B'Yachad
| - 4:30pm Talmud Torah 3-6 Virtual
| Rosh Chodesh Adar II - 7:30pm Introduction to Judaism: The Big Ideas
| | Pekudei - 10:15am Family Minyan
- 6:30pm Havdalah
- 9:00am Chanting Haftarah with Cantor Sarah Bolts
- 9:00am 2nd Grade Family Education Program
- 9:00am Talmud Torah K-6
- 10:00am Rabbi Matthew Simon's Winter/Spring Book Review
- 11:30am Meals for Interfaith Works Women’s Shelter
- 4:00pm Dr. Frieda Fromm-Reichmann: Maverick Therapist with Dr. Gail Hornstein
- 7:00pm Men's Club Annual Sports Night with Fred Frommer
| - 12:30pm The Torah & Beyond: Lunch and Learn with Rabbi Jonathan Schnitzer
- 12:30pm The Torah & Beyond: Lunch and Learn with Rabbi Jonathan Schnitzer
| - 12:30pm Talmud on Tuesdays with Rabbi Mitchell Berkowitz
- 4:30pm Talmud Torah 3-6
- 6:30pm Noar B'Yachad
| - 12:00pm B’nai Israel Book Discussion Group
- 4:30pm Talmud Torah 3-6 Virtual
- 8:00pm BAF Zoom Lecture: Architectural Development of Ancient Galilean Synagogues
| - 1:00pm HAZAK: How to Age with Vitality, Dignity, and Humor and Live Your Life with No Regrets with Chris Palmer
- 7:30pm Jews and Brews
- 7:30pm Introduction to Judaism: The Big Ideas
| | Parshat Zachor Vayikra - 9:00am Shabbat Morning Torah Study
- 10:00am EPIC Shabbat: Heroes!
- 6:37pm Havdalah
- 7:30pm Farbrengen: Tunes and Torah with Cantor Sarah Bolts
- 9:00am Chanting Haftarah with Cantor Sarah Bolts
- 9:00am Talmud Torah K-6
- 10:30am Purim Tots Service (Ages 5 and under with a parent)
- 11:00am Purim Carnivals
| | - 12:30pm Talmud on Tuesdays with Rabbi Mitchell Berkowitz
- 4:30pm Talmud Torah 3-6
- 6:30pm Noar B'Yachad
| Taanit Esther Erev Purim - 7:00pm Purim Spiel: The Sun Will Come Out in Shushan
- 7:45pm Traditional Megillah Reading and Purim Service
| Purim - 7:15am Traditional Megillah Reading and Purim Service
- 5:45pm Family Purim Seudah Dinner
- 7:30pm Introduction to Judaism: The Big Ideas
| Shushan Purim - 1:00pm 5th & 6th Grade Kallah
- 7:00pm Candle Lighting
| Tzav - 12:00am 5th & 6th Grade Kallah
- 7:44pm Havdalah
- 12:00am 5th & 6th Grade Kallah
- 9:00am Talmud Torah K-6
- 9:00am Chanting Haftarah with Cantor Sarah Bolts
- 7:30pm L.I.F.E. Lecture: Once We Were Slaves with Laura Leibman
| - 7:30pm Midrashic Tales of Jewish Survival in Egypt with Rabbi Tali Adler
| - 12:30pm Talmud on Tuesdays with Rabbi Mitchell Berkowitz
- 4:30pm Talmud Torah 3-6
- 6:30pm Noar B'Yachad
| - 4:30pm Talmud Torah 3-6 Virtual
- 8:00pm BAF Lecture: Phoenicians’ Cultural Influence in the Levant/Israel with Carolina Lopez-Ruiz, The Ohio State University
| - 7:30pm Introduction to Judaism: The Big Ideas
| | Shabbat Mevarchim Parshat Parah Shmini - 9:00am Shabbat Morning Torah Study
- 9:00am Shabbat Morning Service with Guest Speaker Gadeer Kamal-Mreeh
- 10:15am Family Minyan
- 7:51pm Havdalah
- 9:00am 5th Grade B'nai Mitzvah Program
- 9:00am Talmud Torah K-6
- 10:00am Fifth Grade B’nai Mitzvah Meeting
- 12:00pm Call with the Meyersteins from Israel
- 12:30pm Kadima & Teens: Mini Golf (Grades 6–12)
- 2:00pm Men's Club: Hike Along the C&O Canal
| - 7:00pm Monday Night at the Movies - Streit's: Matzo and the American Dream
| - 4:30pm Talmud Torah 3-6
- 6:30pm Noar B'Yachad
| - 4:30pm Talmud Torah 3-6 Virtual
- 7:00pm Sip, Schmooze, and Shop with the Sisters
| - 7:30pm Introduction to Judaism: The Big Ideas
- 7:30pm Congregation-Wide Active Shooter and Hostage Situational Training
| - 6:15pm Day School Shabbat
- 7:14pm Candle Lighting
| Rosh Chodesh Nisan Parshat Hachodesh Tazria - 9:00am Shabbat Morning Torah Study
- 10:15am Family Minyan
- 7:58pm Havdalah