Yom Yerushalayim 43rd Day Omer | | Rosh Chodesh Sivan 45th Day Omer - 12:30pm Talmud on Tuesdays with Rabbi Mitchell Berkowitz
- 4:30pm Talmud Torah 3-6
- 6:30pm Noar B'Yachad
- 7:30pm Judaism’s Afterlives: Rabbinic Conceptions of What Comes after Death with Rabbi Mitchell Berkowitz
| 46th Day Omer - 3:00pm Drop-in Hebrew Prayer Reading
- 4:30pm Talmud Torah 3-6 Virtual
| 47th Day Omer - 7:30pm Introduction to Judaism: The Big Ideas
- 7:30pm Wine & Cheesecake Pairing Class for Shavuot with Sommelier, Brett Drucker
| 48th Day Omer - 6:15pm Shabbat Zimra: Instrumental Kabbalat Shabbat
- 8:12pm Candle Lighting
| Erev Shavuot 49th Day Omer Bamidbar - 9:00am Men’s Club Shabbat
- 9:00am Shabbat Morning Torah Study
- 10:15am Family Minyan
- 6:30pm Congregational Shavuot Dinner & Confirmation Celebration
- 8:00pm Tikkun Leyl Shavuot and Ma'ariv
- 9:12pm Candle Lighting
Shavuot - 1st Day - 9:00am Shavuot Festival Morning Service & the 10th Grade Confirmation Ceremony
- 10:30am Shavuot Family Minyan
- 12:00pm Sundaes on Sunday Shavuot Party
- 9:13pm Candle Lighting
| Shavuot Yizkor - 9:00am Shavuot Festival Morning Service
- 10:30am Tot Shavuot Celebration (For children ages 5 and under with a parent))
- 8:57pm Havdalah
| - 12:30pm Jewish Values Learning Session with Danny Siegel
- 4:30pm Talmud Torah 3-6
- 7:30pm Judaism’s Afterlives: Rabbinic Conceptions of What Comes after Death with Rabbi Mitchell Berkowitz
| - 12:00pm B’nai Israel Book Discussion Group
- 3:00pm Drop-in Hebrew Prayer Reading
- 4:30pm Talmud Torah 3-6 Virtual
| - 10:00am Schilit Nursery School Siyyum Brunch
- 10:00am Schilit Nursery School Siyyum Brunch
- 1:00pm HAZAK: End-of-Year Celebration with the Classy Jazzy Band and Cantor Josh Perlman
- 7:30pm Introduction to Judaism: The Big Ideas
| - 6:15pm Pride Shabbat
- 8:16pm Candle Lighting
| Nasso - 10:00am EPIC Shabbat: Summer Send-Off
- 10:00am Summer Send Off
- 10:15am Family Minyan
- 8:59pm Havdalah
- 10:00am The Jewish Federation's FAMILY HIKE, ISRAELI-STYLE
- 11:30am Sisterhood Installation and Volunteer Appreciation Brunch
| - 12:30pm The Torah & Beyond: Lunch and Learn with Rabbi Jonathan Schnitzer
| - 12:30pm Jewish Values Learning Session with Danny Siegel
| - 12:30pm The Torah & Beyond: Lunch and Learn with Rabbi Jonathan Schnitzer
- 3:00pm Drop-in Hebrew Prayer Reading
| - 7:30pm Introduction to Judaism: The Big Ideas
| | Beha'alotcha - 9:00am Shabbat Morning Torah Study
- 9:02pm Havdalah
- 10:00am B’nai Israel Co-sponsors Juneteenth Film Screening: Who We Are: A Chronicle of Racism in America
| | | - 3:00pm Drop-in Hebrew Prayer Reading
| - 7:30pm Introduction to Judaism: The Big Ideas
| | Shabbat Mevarchim Sh'lach - 11:00am Summer Speaker: A Traveler's Reflections on B'nai Israel's Recent Jewish Heritage Tour of Morocco with Larry Lesser
- 9:03pm Havdalah
- 5:30pm Meals for Interfaith Works Women’s Shelter
| | - 7:00pm Washington Nationals vs. Pittsburgh Pirates
| Rosh Chodesh Tammuz - 3:00pm Drop-in Hebrew Prayer Reading
| Rosh Chodesh Tammuz - 7:30pm Introduction to Judaism: The Big Ideas
| | Korach - 11:00am Summer Speaker: What My Family is Bringing Back to Israel with Elkana Bar Eitan
- 9:03pm Havdalah