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SELIS Nursery School Scholarship Fund FOR SCHILIT NURSERY SCHOOL

With appreciation to the Adrienne and Michael Selis Nursery School Scholarship Fund, we are pleased to be able to offer a limited number of scholarships to families demonstrating a significant financial need, which would otherwise preclude them from participating in a Jewish nursery school experience. 

Access the Scholarship Application by clicking here.
All scholarship applications should be returned to Rebecca Ravski at or in-person. 

Important notes

  • Scholarships will be awarded based on demonstrated need with the goal of making Jewish nursery school available for more families. 
  • Scholarship applications are due by April 1, 2025. Scholarships will be awarded on a rolling basis after that date as funds remain available. 
  • A small committee will review the applications. All financial information will be kept confidential, along with identifying information about the applicants.
  • Families wishing to apply for scholarships should complete the enrollment application before beginning the scholarship application process. 
  • B’nai Israel membership is required to be a scholarship recipient. Our Nursery School Synagogue Membership Incentive Plan is available. 

Should you have questions regarding the Selis Nursery School Scholarship Fund, please contact Rebecca Ravski

Wed, January 22 2025 22 Tevet 5785