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Sat, March 8 2025 8 Adar 5785

Sunday, March 2, 2025 2 Adar 5785

10:30 AM - 12:15 PM

Is the Talepco Corporation, a Fortune 500 company, riddled with senior executives committing high crimes and felonies? Follow poker-playing CFO Harry Thompson as he puts aside the usual assets and liabilities to solve the mystery of how his best friend was debited, permanently. But who’s got it in for Harry? Spreadsheets sound boring until they are wielded like deadly weapons. The good guy’s number was up. But will a bad guy be put into a cell?

MICHAEL GOLDMAN, a longtime member of B’nai Israel, is a retired corporate executive,
lawyer, and consultant. Prior to writing The Spreadsheet Murder, his only published works
were case studies and notes that have been used in teaching business courses, and technical papers on the environment. He has spent much of his free time playing poker and duplicate bridge, and trying to solve mathematical puzzles, particularly in the area of probabilities. He
lives with his wife, Patti, in a suburb of Washington, DC, and has two married children, a grandson, and a grand-dog. Except for his grandson and the dog, they all helped immensely with this book.

A light breakfast will be served. Hosted by Sisterhood, Men’s Club and the Blumberg-Zalis Family Library.

Copies of the book can be ordered  through Amazon ($24.95 plus tax for the hardback or $14.95 plus tax for the paperback) or tax free through our librarian.

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