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Israel in a Box (for Families with Children & Adults)

Thursday, April 15, 2021 3 Iyyar 5781

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Celebrate Yom HaAtzmaut and mark Israel's Memorial Day along with our Shlicha, Netta Asner-Minster. In honor of these two days, families as well as adults will be able to pick-up an Israel in a Box with booklets, activities, and items, bringing Israel to your home and for the entire family.

The adult Israel in a Box includes a Zikaron packet, which is a biography of a fallen soldier along with lyrics to a song written by or about the individual. The family Israel in a Box has the option of a including a Zikaron packet in the box. You may also choose to receive a Zikaron packet to your email without the Israel in a Box.

Pre-Register by Sunday, April 11, 12:00 PM. Please register below for your preferred option (one box adult or family unit). 
Pick-up in the B'nai Israel Parking Lot (Times / Dates in confirmation email)

*Nursery school families should contact Netta for pick-up during school drop-off on Thursday.

Boxes are free-of-charge thanks to the Edith and Charles M. Pascal Yom HaAtzmaut Programming Endowment. 

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