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Thu, March 20 2025 20 Adar 5785

Sunday, January 17, 2021 4 Shevat 5781

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

One of the many racial equity issues exacerbated by COVID-19 has been educational inequity and the learning gap experienced by Black, Brown and poor children. In September, disproportionately greater numbers of Hispanic/Latinx and Black children in Montgomery County were not logging in to class. Failure rates in our public schools are now skyrocketing.

Identity-run Wellness Centers at Gaithersburg and Watkins Mill High Schools opened two “study bubbles” at nearby Recreation Centers. Thirty students were recruited, each with significant barriers to success caused or exacerbated by online learning. Center Staff monitor the students and provide art and other enrichment activities, including opportunities for Student Service Learning (SSL) credits. Instead of learning in isolation, the teens can connect with others from their school and with trusted adults.

We are collecting warm winter hats/gloves/scarves, socks, toiletry items, and small games for these students. If you shop on our Amazon or Target wish lists, you can choose to have donations shipped directly to B’nai Israel.

Donations can be dropped off at B’nai Israel on Sunday, January 17, 10:00 AM–12:00 PM.

You can also contribute directly to Identity here. Please put “B’nai Israel” in the comments box.

For more information, contact Deedee Jacobsohn.

Racial Justice Shabbat with Guest Speaker Reverend Timothy Warner on Friday, January 15.

Click here for details.

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