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Siyyum Bekhorim—Siyyum for the First Born

Friday, April 15, 2022 14 Nisan 5782

7:15 AM - 8:15 AM

On Friday morning, April 15, all first-borns are urged to join the Siyyum Bekhorim following the 7:15 AM minyan. This observance reminds us that when the first-born of Egypt were slain during the Tenth Plague, the Israelite first-born were saved. In appreciation for this redemption, it is incumbent upon first-born Jewish males to fast on the day before Pesah. This responsibility is nullified when one celebrates the completion of text study.

At the siyyum we will honor the students of Rabbi Berkowitz’s Talmud class and celebrate their learning, which nullifies the obligation for first-borns to fast on the eve of Passover. We will conclude the siyyum with a Seudat Mitzvah, a celebratory meal provided through the generosity of Micki and Lowell Gordon, in memory of Mark Polsky.

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