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Summer Speaker - I Lost My Parents but Found Them, and More, in a Year (Plus) of Daily Minyan with Diane Saltzman

Saturday, July 27, 2024 21 Tammuz 5784

10:45 AM - 11:15 AM

In a ten-month period, Diane experienced the loss of her stepmother, father, and mother. She’ll share how attending B’nai Israel’s daily minyan provided an unexpected anchor, a new community, and helped her adjust to her new reality. 

Diane, her husband Richard and their sons, Zachary and Alexander, have been members of the synagogue since 1999. Diane has been on the staff of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum for more than 28 years. As the Director of Constituency Engagement she manages the program for survivors, works closely with the Museum’s board and oversees government relations. Prior to that she was on the curatorial staff of The Jewish Museum in New York for 10 years. 

During the summer months, we invite members of our community to speak on Shabbat mornings and address the congregation about the interesting ways that they connect special experiences to their Jewish identities. All presentations take place during Shabbat services, at approximately 10:45 AM. 

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