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Hanukkah celebrates the victory of the Maccabees over the Syrian Greeks and the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem (hanukkat ha-mizbeah) in the year 164 BCE. According to the book of Maccabees, Jews were not able to celebrate Sukkot that year because of the impurities in the Temple, and so they established a delayed 8-day celebration in the Hebrew month of Kislev. According to legend, when the Maccabees re-entered the Temple, they could find only enough oil to light the Menorah for one day; but a miracle happened and the lights remained bright for eight days.

There are special liturgical additions in our services during Hanukkah, but the most prominent aspect of the holiday is the kindling of the hanukiyyah (8-branch candelabra) each evening to fulfill the mitzvah of pirsumei nissa (publicizing the miracle). At B’nai Israel, our celebration is always marked by a special community event.

hanukkah celebrations 2024

BISNS Hanukkah Palooza: Kids' PJ Dance Party, Hanukkah Treats, and   Shopping
Sunday, December 8
3:30-5:00 PM
Featuring Jason Mesches Children's Music Writer and Performer...all the way from LA!
Please join us at 3:30 PM for shopping with Paperpie Books (formerly Usborne), Pixielanestacy Pick-Up, Back to Basics Kids, and Life Love Creations. The concert will begin at 4:00 PM and Hanukkah snacks will be served. A quiet sensory-safe place will also be available. Click here to register.


Teen Hanukkah Party
Saturday, December 14
8:00–10:30 PM
Join us for our annual teen Hanukkah party at B’nai Israel. There will be sufganiyot, latkes, dreidels, and more! Click here to register.


Latkes and Lights
Thursday, December 19
6:00–9:00 PM
Gather with friends and family for a pre-Hanukkah celebration with food, games, fun, and plenty of lights! This program will feature activities for children of all ages, tots through teens, as well as for our adults. Click here to register by December 16.


Friday, December 27
6:15 PM Shabbat Service followed by dinner
Celebrate Shabbat Hanukkah with a delicious Chinese meal. Don’t forget to light Hanukkah and Shabbat candles at home before you come because Shabbat starts so early! And join in the fun of Bingo with Rabbi Cheryl Stone! Prizes will be awarded to the winners. Co-hosted by Sisterhood. Click here to register by Monday, December 23.

Additional ways you can celebrate Hanukkah

Celebrating Hanukkah at Home

Hanukkah Songs by Cantor Josh

8 Nights, 8 Heroes: Increasing the Light Each Day

Thu, January 30 2025 1 Shevat 5785