| - 2:00pm Summer Learning with JTS—A Wandering People: Jewish Journeys, Real and Imagined
| | - 7:15am In-Person/Virtual Morning Minyan
| | - 6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service
- 7:57pm Candle Lighting
| Shabbat Mevarchim Re'eh - 10:30am Outdoor Summer Tot Shabbat
- 10:45am Summer Speaker Series: A Look at Zohar with Rabbi Jim Michaels
- 8:39pm Havdalah
| Rosh Chodesh Elul - 2:00pm Summer Learning with JTS—A Wandering People: Jewish Journeys, Real and Imagined
- 7:45pm Day School Parent Dessert Social
| | - 7:15am In-Person/Virtual Morning Minyan
- 8:00pm BAF/BASONOVA Zoom Lecture: From Sanctuary to Synagogue with Robert Stieglitz, Rutgers University
| | - 6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service
- 7:48pm Candle Lighting
| Shoftim - 10:45am Summer Speaker Series: Intergenerational Programs Fuel Connections with Rachel Lanman
- 8:30pm Havdalah
| - 2:00pm Summer Learning with JTS—A Wandering People: Jewish Journeys, Real and Imagined
| | - 7:15am In-Person/Virtual Morning Minyan
| | - 6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service
- 7:39pm Candle Lighting
| Ki Teitzei - 10:45am Summer Speaker Series: My Experience with “Student to Student” with Noah Lenkin
- 11:00am Outdoor Summer Tot Shabbat
- 8:21pm Havdalah
| - 2:00pm Summer Learning with JTS—A Wandering People: Jewish Journeys, Real and Imagined
- 7:00pm Jonah: Repairing Ourselves, Repairing the World with Rabbi Mitchell Berkowitz
| - 7:30pm Demystifying the Rosh Hashanah Musaf Service with Cantor Sarah Bolts
| - 7:15am In-Person/Virtual Morning Minyan
| | - 6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service
- 7:29pm Candle Lighting
| Selichot - 1st Saturday Ki Tavo - 8:10pm Havdalah
- 9:15pm Selihot: The Official Start to the High Holiday Season
Selichot - 1st Night - 10:30am Oxon Hill Cemetery Memorial Service
- 11:30am Meals for Interfaith Works Women’s Shelter
| | Selichot - 7:00pm The Seasonal Sounds of the High Holidays with Cantor Josh Perlman
| Selichot - 7:15am In-Person/Virtual Morning Minyan
- 7:30pm Unetane Tokef: The Israeli Version with Netta Asner-Minster on Zoom
| | Selichot - 6:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service
- 7:18pm Candle Lighting
| Nitzavim - 9:00am Labor on the Bima Shabbat
- 8:00pm Havdalah